Tips for Remote Learning

Hi everyone,

I hope that you are all doing well and staying safe in this crazy time. I know that school and everything is going to be different with some people going back to school and others participating in remote learning. I wanted to share a couple things with you all that might help. If you are staying at home for remote learning as someone who schools at home here are three things to remember.

(1) Organize your time wisely.

One of the hardest parts of school at home is just getting the motivation to actually get up and do the work. I try to make it a habit to not doing anything else until my school work is finished like using tech or reading or playing outside. Once you are finished with school then you have the freedom to do what you want without having to worry about the work.

(2) Organize all of your supplies

Life and school is so much easier if you have all the tools you need in one area organized. For my siblings and I we have an entire room for school with a table that has jars of pencils, pens, erasers, paper, etc. near it. Maybe you don’t have that much space but just a shelf or desk with the essentials will make your work so much better and easier to concentrate. Then you don’t have to be searching for a pencil or pen to take notes or fill out a sheet.

(3) Be Easy on Yourself

No one is perfect and everyone learns and works differently. Be forgiving with yourself and your family. We are all in this together trying to navigate this new and unexpected time. Always remember that your family and teachers are there to help you and don’t ever feel nervous or stupid for reaching out for help. They want you to succeed and would love to give you the tools to be your best. So be kind to yourself and remember that we are all learning. If you do your best that’s all the God is looking for.

So stay safe and I’m thinking and praying for you all

Farm Girl

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