Moving, Again

Hi guys, sorry I have not written in a while, things have been busy. If you have not heard yet my family is moving, again. My great-grandmother who is 96 recently had a stroke. She is getting better everyday but she needs someone to take care of her once she moves back home to her house. Her house is small, but she has a room in her basement and in her attic that we are using as bedrooms. Mine is the attic and it has beautiful, original hardwood floors. The only problem is the attic is hotter that a sauna because warm air rises. So we are adding a lot of fans to make it so my cat and I will not sweat to death. One of the nice things about her house is her kitchen is huge and she has a wood stove to keep the house warm. The other nice thing is has a barn and a pasture to keep our 3 cows in, there names are Bettina( my heifer) who is due to have a baby in May, Gonzo my 6 year old milking cow, and Barbie my 4 year old dry cow( not milking because is due to have a baby in December. Then our 2 ponies are going to be pastured in my grandmothers field until winter when they will be brought into the barn. My 5 year old Tweet is being boarded at a friend’s farm. Then we bought a coop for our 12 chickens.

This year I will be starting 7th grade as a homeschooler. It is fun being homeschooled  because i can show my cows and bring my school work. But do not be fooled, it is not easier than conventional school. For one I am not allowed to wear my pj’s to school, so i do have a dress code. Next we still do regular hour days, my day is not just 2 hours of school. I do a full schedule of work, mostly 6-7 hours of school a day. Third, I get less breaks of of school. Not to say that homeschooling is not fun, on nice days i can do it outside. I love homeschooling, but i still miss all of you and all the friends i have made. Talk later, bye for now.

Your friend Farm Girl.

3 thoughts on “Moving, Again

  1. Thank you for all this wonderful news! I was wondering about the move. I love the way you find the positive, looking at what God is doing in things. I know you will be a great blessing to your great-grandmother.

    I hope you will still continue to share some of your homeschool discoveries with us. We love to learn from you. I hope we will see you in person soon!

  2. Here are the second and third graders. We are learning about writing kind and encouraging comments.

    Good job writing all that! We don’t think we could write that much yet. We will be praying for your grandmother that her stroke will go away and she will feel better.

    We liked hearing about your animals. It is so cute that she has two baby calves. Hopefully, your calves are healthy. Are all of your chickens meat chickens, or are some laying chickens?

    Last time a lot of us saw you, we were still in kindergarten! We were amazed to see you are in 7th grade now!

    We hope you aren’t too hot with this hurricane weather. Don’t sweat to death!

  3. Hi it is Martha. We really miss you!i am glad that your grandmother will have some friends at her house hope you hav a year of homeschooling.

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