Mini Homeschool Lesson

Hi,the majority of people voted for the topic “Showing Cows”.Preparation for a cow show starts months before when we train the cows to walk slowly and with their heads up.We also wash them so their hair will grow tall and thick.Right before we go to the show we clip the cows.Using special clippers and a blow dryer to clip their hair.First we blow up the hair on the top of their backs and clip it so the top is straight and straight in the sides.Then on the belly hair you blow it up and make it a little bit shorter.Then we load them up on the trailer and talk them to the show.At the show we keep them clean and comfortable by washing them on the wash rack. Then on show day we put some paint on them that makes them look like one color.In the show ring the judge places the cows on how they look according to the perfect cow.After that we go home and wait for the next show.

Mini Homeschool Lesson

Hi, as the winner of the homeschool question, Miss Blessing asked if there was something at the farm that you guys want to know?  I will list some topics and let you vote and decide what I will write about.

  1. Showing Cows
  2. Early Morning Chores
  3. Training for Shows***Write your vote in the comment section.You have until Wednesday to cast your vote, so VOTE!

Clara Barton

Clara Barton was born in Massachusetts in 1821.  From 1854 to 1857 she worked as a clerk and a copyist for the U.S.Patent Office.  In 1861 the Civil War broke out, and Clara volunteered as a nurse, often endangering her life to help soldiers on the battlefront.

After the war, she helped locate missing soldiers.  At her doctor’s orders, Clara took a vacation to Europe in 1869.  While in Switzerland she saw the Red Cross Organization in Geneva.  She wanted to return to the U.S. and start a Red Cross organization there.  In May of 1881 all her hard work  paid off when the American Association of the Red Cross was formed.  Clara was elected president of the association in June of 1881. The American Red Cross brought supplies to victims of natural disasters, the homeless and the poor.  In March of 1882 President Arthur signed the treaty of Geneva, and the U.S become part of the International Red Cross.

In 1912 at the age of 90, Clara died in her home in Maryland.  The American Red Cross is still committed to helping victims of natural disasters, the homeless and the poor today.  If Clara Barton only knew the impact she had on people’s lives today.

Mini Homeschool Lesson

The mini homeschool lesson for this week will be on science and man’s best helpers.  Two of man’s best helpers are the cow and the horse.

The horses have helped people for years carrying mail across the western states for the Pony Express to settlers, pulling covered wagons, and carrying people to war.  Their bodies are designed to fit man’s uses.  They have broad backs to carry man, a large muscle in their legs for running long distances, and large lungs to breath large enough air on the run.  But did you know that a mule has a horse for a mother and a donkey for a father?

The cow has had three purposes that benefit mankind–milk, meat, and hide for shoes.  Some other products are cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, and ice cream!

To end my lesson, I have a question.  What is the most popular flavor of ice cream? Leave your answer in the comment section, and the first person to answer correctly will get to pick the next topic on my mini homeschool lesson page.  Good luck!

Calf Training

I have been training calves for my showing season. I am using my old heifer Silk who is already trained, but I have to train Debut. She is a winter baby (for all you December kids) and is already growing. She likes to walk but puts her head in the air or on the ground if she is mad. Wish me luck on the show in April.

Mini Homeschool Lesson

Hi!  Every week I will be writing a mini lesson on a subject I learned about in school.  So today I will do a history lesson on Cyrus the Great.

Cyrus the king of Persia was a wise man.  He built an great empire and captured many cities.  He was a kind man who, after he conquered a people, let them keep their jobs and resume to their normal life as long as they followed his laws. To defeat the Babylonian empire, he rerouted a river under the great wall and marched his army in the river bed to victory.  Later, he had his men ride camels to war because he knew horses were afraid of camels.  After his death in 529 B.C., he was known as Clever Cyrus. The Persian empire reigned on until the Greeks took over.  Today he is known as one of the wisest men in the ancient middle east.




Most of you know that my dad and I went to Ohio to show. I am happy to announce that I showed  my calf all by myself and got 4th place. Blessing got first place and Honorable mention.

It’s Official!

Hey guys, I have great news! We have done all of the paperwork for Asher, so we are going to adopt him in a week or so.  I can’t wait!  Pray that all would go through.  Hope all is well with you.  Bye bye.