Mini Homeschool Lesson

Today for my mini Homeschool lesson I am going to teach you about the tide of the ocean. If you visit the beach at a certain time of day you will see the tide is very high, and if you go back later the tide will be low. How does the tide go from high to low? The tides are controlled by the gravitational pull of the moon. At high tide the two end of the earth’s water is being pulled up towards the moon because the moon is direct ally above the earth. When the ends experience high tide the sides experience low tide. The vice-versa, the sides experience high tide and the ends low tide. There is a time when there is barely  difference between high tide and low tide this is called a spring tide. Then there is a time when there are very low tides and very high tides. This is called a neap tide. I hope you enjoyed learning about tides! If you have an idea for a mini homeschool  lesson write it in the comment box and maybe I will use it!

1 thought on “Mini Homeschool Lesson

  1. One of my favorite parts of my visits to the sea is not looking at any clocks but just looking at the tide. Time slows down; the tide comes in; the tide goes out. I just sing praises to the Lord all the day with my eyes on His lovely ocean.

    Thank you for sharing your learning with us! Your mini homeschool lessons are some of my favorite posts of all the blog posts we have.

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