
Hi guys, i read your comments and you are doing such a great job writing encouraging comments, to answer you question all of our chickens are laying chickens( although my dad threatens to throw the chickens in the stew pot if they don’t lay). The last time I saw you guys you were in kindergarten and you were just little things. From the pictures you all now look like young ladies and gentleman.

So the purpose of my post is i need your help. If you remember or if you ask any of my classmates(especially those who like sweets) might remember that I like to make cupcakes. There are laws that prevent people from selling homemade sweets so unfortunately I can’t sell my cupcakes. But i still love to bake and invent different cupcake recipes. Some of my favorite newly formed recipes include my s’more,hot cocoa,key lime pie,and lemon blueberry. I need your help by suggesting either cupcake combinations or your favorite dessert I could make into a cupcake. Then we will put the suggestions to a vote and the winning I will try to devise into a cupcake recipe. If the recipe turns out I will either send you all the recipe to make at home of send you cupcakes. I will start the voting on Thursday so you have from now until then to make your suggestions and then vote. Also, my cow tweet had a baby girl we named Tickled Pink, and she is so cute. Hope to hear from you soon!

4 thoughts on “Cupcakes

  1. Farm Girl, I just love this idea! Our blog commenting day is Thursday, so it may take us a little while to get all our comments in. I will try to add your post to tomorrow’s morning meeting. What fun!

    I am an ice cream person and not so much a cake person, but I ate one of your cupcakes a while back and found it THRILLING. It had real raspberries on top. Do you remember what the name of that one was?

    I love turtles (the candy), and I wonder if you could come up with some combination that has the German chocolate flavor together with caramel, coconut, and pecans?

    We continue to pray for your family. Sending you all much love!

  2. The class got a lot of good giggles from your post! We are really excited about your cupcake challenge. Here are some of our ideas.
    –egg shape with yellow frosting inside
    –cookies ‘n cream (lots of votes on this one)
    –strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla (Neopolitan)
    –fudge ripple
    –caramel brownie
    –caramel cookie
    –carrot cake
    –chocolate cookies
    –chocolate with chocolate cream with chocolate sprinkles
    –lemon cheesecake
    –dark chocolate
    –lava cake

    We will tune in for the voting tomorrow!

  3. –Turtle***
    –Reeses ***
    –Egg *
    –Cookies ‘n Cream *********
    –Pickle **
    –Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla
    –Fudge Ripple *
    –Caramel Brownie ***
    –Caramel Cookie *
    –Carrot Cake *
    –Chocolate Cookie
    –Lemon Cheesecake
    –Dark Chocolate *
    –Lava Cake *****

    So Cookies ‘n Cream was our big winner! I don’t know if you have others voting as well, but I gave each person two votes since all these flavors looked so luscious to us. We can’t wait to hear your results!

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